No Description
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
celeste_magbe.vcv | | AUTO_20241126190142 | | | 9d52e49ba0a92a51b733218e02202549b7fb4bf2 |
No Description
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
celeste_magbe.vcv | | AUTO_20241122180552 | | | 9d52e49ba0a92a51b733218e02202549b7fb4bf2 |
This is just some s&h noise into old prometheus ii length control, turning down the length offset. The noise is from the prometheus ii output through a lpf. frequency lock is disabled at the start and enabled later. There is a tiny bit of reverb for flavor. The chance knob starts at 0 and is increased to 1 near the end. The LFO driving the s&h has the same voct input as the prometheus ii, and has its base frequency decreased into the audio range partway through.
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
sus1.vcv | | AUTO_20230111173427 | | | 9d52e49ba0a92a51b733218e02202549b7fb4bf2 |
Thinking about Susurrus. Would like to start out using the wobble at the end of tranquiesence. I didn't realize this at the time, but it turns out that wobble is stereo, which makes it a little more difficult to use as I had planned (as a CV for tiamat). One option might be to just have two of them. I am using the software prometheus for convenience.
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
sus1.vcv | | AUTO_20221211124738 | | | 741d8b0ca3ff099fe12a4fae52aa129ee4b55e5a |
It is what it is.
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
20200413.vcv | | AUTO_20220413182558 |
memory stuff
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
tiamat_test.vcv | | AUTO_20220211154838_1 | | | 22105fe398922ffa70bd39948d220896efbe5cd7 |
Currently the lowest band of the default Mat I filter is too low to be audible. It should still be able to pass rhythmic information, but I'm having trouble getting it to do anything I can perceive.a 20 Hz sq wave in gives a sine wave out, and I thought maybe I could get something if I delayed the two channels by different amounts to create a stereo effect. Then I started messing with feedback some, and I still don't know if I can actually hear anything from the low pass stage.
I like the ramp wave out of cobalt for the jarring transitions, and may want to use something like this for Tether.
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
tiamat_test.vcv | | AUTO_20220211154838 | | | 167486054ca75a9bd186f02aad70c542a913fda3 |
7 sinusoidal LFO's with periods of 4, 8, 16, 12, 8, 16, and 20 seconds modulate the crossfader CV's of a Tia/Mat pair. Initially, the crossfaders are all set to use 0 V and input 0. The routing is modified during the recording. Tia/Mat inputs include 2 tones, 2 noise sources, and a 20 Hz square wave.
In addition, the recording monitor has been updated to work with rack 2.
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
tiamat_test.vcv | | AUTO_20220205131834 | | | b49f475460df06fdee71852eb3299e1bda80c2d5 |
Trying out VCV 2. It seems to be playing very well with the ES-8. I haven't ported my plugins yet, so no automatic uploading, screenshots, or patch attachments.
Patch itself is pretty simple: Prometheus with some vibrato. There's some reverb and delay on the output following by another delay with a wavefolder in the feedback loop. A couple lfo's modulate the wavefolder depth.
I've got various gate sequences scaled and mixed together to produce the v/oct, and I bring different parts in and out. I also mess with the octave encoder on the module some since the v/oct input to get higher pitches. I forgot that the final delay makes noise with no input signal and so sort of botched the ending. I also messed up the timing switching off some of the sequences at the end.
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
PrometheusII/Teensy/prometheus2/prometheus2.ino | | 852316a985cb3b1136120df039f9d107d5277fc7 |
Working on wave sounds and a drone for most high honors. The wave timing and transition needs to be more explicitly scripted. I think I want the waves to transition into drone at the same time, and I want to ensure that they don't overlap egregiously.The software prometheus II unit is not ideal, but this is what I've got. Not sure how I'll ultimately manage disabling the auxiliary LFSR when transitioning from waves to drones. Possibly I could lay off the glitch input and use it instead just to change the oscillator configuration, though that relies on yet-undeveloped firmware functionality. Waves vs drone need balancing, but synchronizing the transition should help w/ this some.
File | Remote | Commit/Tag |
mhhdrone1.vcv | | AUTO_20211031163157 | | | 3f1071715b9482d873b252c8616eb3ee6770b9d8 |
PrometheusII/Teensy/prometheus2/prometheus2.ino | | 852316a985cb3b1136120df039f9d107d5277fc7 |